
Initial setup
Set Rstudio to use knitr Tools <- Global Options <- Sweave
also set Rstudio to use git Tools <- Global Options <- Git/SVN
you can also change the appearance of RStudio while you are in there

Step 1 Create a repository in GitHub

Step 2 In RStudio create a a new project with Version Control

Step 3 Copy the git repository https location and past it into the Rstudio version control repository location.
Provide a location for your local RStudio project.

Step 4 Write code or text, or both with frequent reasonably descriptive commits

Step 5 When larger changes have been made push the code to GitHub

Note: All of this (and then some) can be done via the command line
The command line can easily be accessed within RStudio via Tools <- Shell

Have an existing project that you would like to load into GitHub?
No problem, but it has to go through the command line, just follow these directions
