Ben Williams
October 20 & 22, 2015
Allows for repeatability
Also it can save you time!
If done right
Version Control
We are going to use:
RStudio (via Rmarkdown, knitr, and Pandoc)
to produce HTML, Word, and .pdf files
R - you should know what this is…
RStudio - an R IDE, text editor, project manager, interface to git
Rmarkdown - language established for creating webpages without all the HTML markup
Pandoc - program to convert one language to another, built into RMarkdown v2
knitr - R package that updates “sweave” and increases flexibility, built into RMarkdown v2
LaTeX - software for typesetting and making .pdf files
Git - version control, GitHub - a place for sharing (and backing up) code and files
Do NOT make/keep/enable crappy data protocols ever!
Any data manipulations should be done with code…
More on data at
Once you learn it you won't go back
“If you don't use GitHub, use GitHub, end of decision tree - Jim Thorson”